UBC norman mackenzie square | vancouver, bC

This series of pools and bubbler fountains sits within a compact public square in a large and comprehensively planned University of British Columbia residential community.

Surrounded by outdoor seating and restaurant patios, it is a popular gathering point for local residents. During construction it was discovered that a bank of underground fibre optic ducts were incorrectly located in as-built documentation. In response, the design team reworked the fountain mechanical to pass services beneath the duct bank, maintaining both the project schedule and the integrity of the communications network.

At night the fountains are illuminated with vibrant colour changing lighting that creates visual interest and  transforms the square into an attractive gathering place. 

Location: 3315 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC

Project Completion: 2011

Feature Category: Reflecting Pool, Bubble Jets

Project Owner: University of British Columbia

Partnership: Rositch Hemphill Architects, Perry + Associates

Services Provided: Planning and Design Development, Construction Documentation, Construction Administration, Procurement


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