Olympic oval | richmond, bC

This well known water feature belongs to the civic plaza of the Richmond Olympic Oval, a key venue for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Now a multi-use recreational facility, it is recognized as one of the world’s most sustainable civic spaces.

At its entry a large pond acts as reservoir for storm water run-off from the building’s roof. Host to native marsh plants it purifies the water for on-site irrigation while offering a compelling visual attraction.

Circular bubble fountains sitting just below the surface of the water use low velocity, low pressure compressed air to create a dense effervescence. This presents visitors with an interesting water display that can be viewed from the building above or the raised boardwalks that float over the pond surface.

Above is Water Sky Garden by Janet Echelman, a netted art installation that offers viewers a unique visual experience.

Location: 6111 River Road, Richmond, BC

Project Completion: 2009

Feature Category: Reflecting Pool, Bubble Jets

Project Owner: City of Richmond

Partnership: PFS Studio, Everett Crowdis / Recep Ozata

Services Provided: Planning & Design Development, Construction Documentation, Construction Administration


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