Architectural Water Feature Design

Water and Art


The Art of Water.

The link between water features and artwork is rooted in history. At times acting as complement, at others, becoming part of the installation itself, water’s transformative qualities make it an ideal element for showcasing and interacting with art of any medium and material.

In contrast to historical art-related water features that paired grand fountains with sculptures, most contemporary designs make use of reflecting pools and small spray to highlight or engage with art. These features serve multi-purpose in mirroring, protecting, and amplifying the pieces whose space they share. Art galleries and museums and public landmarks are prime settings where water features and art can intersect to great effect. In these popular, high traffic areas, the presence of a water feature invites attention to the art on display, while keeping people at a distance in a way that feels more organic and less obtrusive than a fence or a rope barrier.

As cities continue to promote the inclusion of beauty and culture in our public spaces, water features and art offer an aesthetic, long-lasting solution. Our team has worked on several high profile art-related water features, tailoring our designs to the anticipated or existing needs of the artwork and space.